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Nursing Theories and Models

Nursing Theories and Models

During wk4 discussion, select ONE or MORE Of the following questions to answer as the Instructor Question:

1) List and briefly describe the 7 domains of nursing practice as outlined by Benner’s Novice to Expert nursing theory.

2) Differentiate the definition of health concept in King’s Goal Attainment theory verses Watson’s Theory of Human Caring.

3) List the 6 concepts of Pender’s Health Belief Model.

Nursing Theories and Models

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Nursing Theories and Models

1) The 7 Domains of Nursing Practice (Benner’s Novice to Expert Nursing Theory)
Benner’s theory identifies the development of nursing expertise through five stages: Novice, Advanced Beginner, Competent, Proficient, and Expert. These stages are tied to seven domains of nursing practice, which are the areas of expertise that nurses develop over time. The 7 domains include:

  1. Caring: The ability to deliver compassionate and empathic care.
  2. Clinical Judgment: The ability to make sound, evidence-based decisions in clinical settings.
  3. Knowledge: Both theoretical knowledge and practical experience that guides nursing interventions.
  4. Skills: Practical and technical skills used in providing care.
  5. Ethics: The moral framework within which nursing decisions are made.
  6. Collaboration: The ability to work effectively as part of a healthcare team.
  7. Leadership: The ability to lead and influence others in patient care and organizational improvements.

These domains reflect how nurses progress from novice to expert in their practice, emphasizing both technical and relational aspects of care. Nursing Theories and Models

2) Health Concept in King’s Goal Attainment Theory vs. Watson’s Theory of Human Caring

In King’s Goal Attainment Theory, health is defined as the dynamic balance of human beings interacting with their environment. Health is viewed as a state of being that allows an individual to function and achieve their personal goals. King focuses on the interaction between individuals and their environment, and how this affects their health outcomes. The theory emphasizes collaboration between the nurse and patient to achieve goals that enhance health.

In contrast, Watson’s Theory of Human Caring defines health as a…