Risk Mitigation in Information Systems

Senge’s Five Disciplines Application

Senge’s Five Disciplines Application

Conduct internet research and give examples, support, and explain your answers and positions.

Senge (2006) states that each of the five disciplines can be thought of on three distinct levels including: practices (what you do); principles (guiding ideas and insights); and essences (the state of being of those with high levels of mastery in the discipline) (P. 383).  These levels are not dissimilar to an organization’s mission, vision & values.

  1. Thinking about your role in your current or past job, how are you currently using each of the five disciplines? In what ways could these be utilized in the near future?
  2. What role do Mission, Vision, and Values play in the development of an organization’s culture?

Senge’s Five Disciplines Application

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Senge’s Five Disciplines Application

Peter Senge’s concept of the five disciplines—Personal Mastery, Mental Models, Shared Vision, Team Learning, and Systems Thinking—provides a framework for organizations to become learning entities. Each discipline operates on three levels: practices (actions), principles (guiding ideas), and essences (states of being) (Senge, 2006).

Application of the Five Disciplines in My Role

  1. Personal Mastery:
    • Current Use: I engage in continuous professional development by attending workshops and seeking feedback to enhance my skills.
    • Future Utilization: I plan to set specific learning goals and regularly assess my progress to achieve a higher level of proficiency.
  2. Mental Models:
    • Current Use: I strive to recognize and challenge my assumptions during project planning to ensure objective decision-making.
    • Future Utilization: I aim to foster open dialogues with colleagues to collectively identify and revise underlying assumptions that may hinder innovation.
  3. Shared Vision:
    • Current Use: I contribute to team discussions to align our objectives with the organization’s mission.
    • Future Utilization: I intend to actively participate in crafting a compelling shared vision that inspires and motivates the team towards common goals.
  4. Team Learning:
    • Current Use: I engage in collaborative problem-solving sessions to leverage diverse perspectives.
    • Future Utilization: I plan to implement regular team reflection meetings to learn from our experiences and improve collective performance.
  5. Systems Thinking:
    • Current Use: I analyze how different components of our projects interact to anticipate potential challenges.
    • Future Utilization: I aim to apply systems thinking more rigorously to identify leverage points for effective interventions within organizational processes.

Role of Mission, Vision, and Values in Organizational Culture

An organization’s mission, vision, and values are foundational to its culture. The mission articulates the organization’s purpose and primary objectives, guiding daily operations and decision-making. The vision provides a long-term aspirational image of the organization’s future, inspiring and directing strategic planning. Values define the core principles and ethical standards that shape behavior and interactions within the organization. Collectively, these elements establish a shared understanding and commitment among employees, fostering a cohesive and motivated workforce. They serve as a compass for behavior, influence recruitment and retention, and impact overall organizational effectiveness (University of West Florida, n.d.).


Senge, P. M. (2006). The Fifth Discipline: The Art & Practice of the Learning Organization (2nd ed.). Currency.

University of West Florida. (n.d.). Organizational vision, mission, and values. In Nursing Leadership and Management. Retrieved from https://pressbooks.uwf.edu/nursingleadership/chapter/mission-vision-strategic-plan/