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American Cultural Diversity

American Cultural Diversity


ways in which the examples of American culture described are uniquely American or not. Moreover, consider whether the examples of American culture discussed are unique to specific groups or societies within American society and what that tells us about the USA and/or the groups that are represented by the culture.


Discuss ways in which the imposition of Western-style economies and societies through colonialism and globalization have complicated the lives of people in South Asia.


identify the cultures and societies (plural) of the United States. evaluate the place of the United States within a larger global context.


identify the cultures and societies (plural) of the India. evaluate India’s development from British colony to the world’s most populous democracy.


The student will develop at least two quality research questions about a topic you wish to explore. You will use this research topic and questions to build an annotated bibliography. The instructor will evaluate and comment on the student’s submitted question to help ensure its quality and usability.

American Cultural Diversity

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American Cultural Diversity

Q1: Ways in which examples of American culture are uniquely American or not. Are they unique to specific groups?

To answer this, you could focus on elements of American culture such as:

  • Individualism vs. Collectivism: American culture often emphasizes individual rights and personal freedom. This could be contrasted with more communal cultures.
  • Consumerism: The U.S. has a very distinct consumer culture, with a focus on capitalism and the idea of the “American Dream.” You can also compare this to other countries where collective well-being is more emphasized.
  • Diversity and Multiculturalism: While American culture prides itself on diversity (e.g., through different foods, festivals, languages), this could also be viewed as a more universal value in today’s globalized world.
  • Popular Culture: Music, movies, and fashion (Hollywood, jazz, hip-hop, etc.) have been a large export of American culture, but they have been absorbed and adapted by many cultures worldwide.

You could also look at how these cultural elements are experienced differently by various groups in America (e.g., how African American, Hispanic, or Indigenous cultures interpret these ideas differently).

Q2: The imposition of Western-style economies and societies through colonialism and globalization in South Asia.

Here, you can focus on the following points:

  • Colonial Impact: Discuss the British colonial rule over India and how Western economic structures, legal systems, and social hierarchies were implemented, leading to significant social and economic changes.
  • Economic Displacement: Colonialism disrupted traditional economic systems, and after independence, South Asian nations were left with Western-style capitalist economies that didn’t always fit local realities. This caused challenges in balancing economic growth with traditional ways of life.
  • Globalization: In more recent years, globalization has…