

Business Application Development

Strategic Planning

Business Application Development For your final project in the Business Applications course, you will be tasked with creating a Python program that demonstrates your understanding of various fundamental concepts covered throughout the semester. Your project should showcase your ability to…

Python Programming Help

Clinical Systems Integration

Python Programming Help Q1. Design a program that asks the user to enter a series of 20 numbers. The program should store the numbers in a list then display the following data: The lowest number in the list The highest…

Wage Protection Laws

Dissociative Disorders in Psychiatry

Wage Protection Laws – Respond to the following: Pursuant to the chapter reading, what wage and work protections exist for employees today? Provide at least three examples and explain which one you believe is most important and why. Health and…

Political Dynamics of Change

Cell Cycle and Organelles

Political Dynamics of Change – Intervention Strategies and Tactics As change agents, social workers must not only be prepared to develop ideas for change and understand that change often occurs in steps, they must also be prepared to navigate the…

Addressing Discrimination Dynamics

Healthcare Fraud and Penalties

Addressing Discrimination Dynamics Working With Ableism and Lookism For the topic this week, some of your fellow learners have created a presentation that contextualizes practice with clients impacted by ableism and lookism. Each group member should post a link to…

Cybersecurity Legal Framework

Red Bull Distribution Strategy

Cybersecurity Legal Framework – Briefly research one type of law that you are interested in learning about. Then, share a news article, example, or resource with the class related to your interest. Provide a brief summary of the article. Discuss…

Abortion Legal Precedent

Capstone Project Presentation Reflection

Abortion Legal Precedent Instructions: In Module 1, we learned about common law, which is the body of United States law developed through the courts. For this assignment, create a deliverable that communicates the information below. Explain the basic concepts of…

IT Fundamentals Overview

Social Media and Crime

IT Fundamentals Overview – In this discussion, you will need to provide multiple paragraphs describing your understanding of various concepts in business computing. “Describe the fundamentals of information technology concepts – hardware, software, security, and privacy “ A suggested format…

Technology Integration Strategies

Communication in Relationship Dissolution

Technology Integration Strategies – Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: What integration strategies should be used when implementing new technology in a health care organization? How do you receive buy-in from employees? APA When implementing new…