Winthrop's Vision of Unity

Body-Worn Cameras Impact

Body-Worn Cameras Impact

Discuss a criminal justice topic requesting instructor approval of the topic. In your discussion post discuss what you have identified in the current peer-reviewed literature. Briefly discuss the literature and express what still needs to be researched or requires further research on the topic you would like to address in your research proposal. In other words, did the authors of the studies already done on this topic you reviewed call for further research on the topic or something to do with the topic? Then again, perhaps you identified a problem that still needs to be researched on the topic where the current literature is lacking.  If so, discuss what it is and how it pertains to the topic and why it needs to be researched and who would benefit from the research. After doing so, you are to provide a ‘Working Title‘ to obtain (instructor approval) for your Research Proposal, as discussed in this week’s lesson. Understanding this may change as your Research Proposal develops during the course.

This assignment needs to look like the attached document except with a different topic and reasonings with a reference. Pick any topic you want

Body-Worn Cameras Impact

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Body-Worn Cameras Impact

Introduction and Literature Review

The use of body-worn cameras (BWCs) by police officers has gained widespread attention as a potential solution to increase police accountability and foster greater trust between law enforcement and the communities they serve. Current peer-reviewed literature, such as that from White (2014), has shown that BWCs can influence officer behavior, reduce the number of complaints against officers, and provide transparency in encounters between police officers and civilians. However, the literature also points out some gaps, particularly regarding the long-term effects on community-police relations and how BWCs affect the outcomes of police-civilian encounters (Lum, Koper, & Merola, 2015).

Several studies have indicated that BWCs can increase transparency and reduce complaints against officers (Ariel et al., 2016). In their meta-analysis, Ariel et al. (2016) concluded that BWCs tend to reduce incidents of police misconduct and use of force. However, they also noted that the impact on civilian trust is not as clear-cut, as some studies suggest that while…