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Business Research Methods

Business Research Methods

Explain the research design and methods that will be used to address the business problem, to support describe the methods that will be use, the key variables, and ethical considerations involved in using the research design.

1) 5- to 7-page double spacing

2) at least three sources cited

3) APA format

4) Due Friday 11/15/24 at 8pm EST

Business Research Methods

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Title: Business Research Methods

This paper details the research design and methods that will be employed to address a specific business problem, highlighting the study’s methodology, key variables, and ethical considerations. A sound research design is essential for producing reliable findings and guiding effective business decisions.

Research Design
A mixed-methods research design will be utilized, combining quantitative and qualitative approaches to provide a comprehensive understanding of the problem. Quantitative data will help measure variables and analyze trends, while qualitative insights from interviews or focus groups will provide context and depth to the findings. This approach is ideal for addressing business problems that involve complex human factors, as it captures both measurable data and subjective experiences (Creswell & Creswell, 2018). Business Research Methods

The study will employ surveys and structured interviews. Surveys will gather quantitative data on customer satisfaction, sales trends, or operational efficiency, while interviews will provide insights into employee and customer perceptions. Using both methods helps triangulate data, enhancing the validity of results and providing a holistic view (Saunders, Lewis, & Thornhill, 2019).

Key Variables
Key variables will depend on the specific business problem but may include customer satisfaction, sales volume, employee engagement, and operational costs. Independent variables might include factors like service quality or marketing efforts, while dependent variables could involve customer retention rates or revenue growth. Defining these variables is crucial for measuring outcomes accurately and guiding analysis (Bryman, 2016).

Ethical Considerations
Ethical considerations include informed consent, confidentiality, and data security. Participants will be informed of their rights and the study’s purpose. Data will be kept anonymous and secure to ensure participant privacy and comply with…