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Disaster Nursing Ethics

Disaster Nursing Ethics

Identify potential ethical and spiritual considerations and cultural practices that could arise for individuals, communities, and health care providers in the event of a manmade disaster. Describe the significance of a community health nurse’s role in integrating Christian worldview in caring for individuals, community, self, and colleagues during disaster management. Identify one resource available to support self-care management for individuals.

Initial discussion question posts should be a minimum of 200 words and include at least two references cited using APA format. Responses to peers or faculty should be 100-150 words and include one reference. Refer to “RN-BSN Discussion Question Rubric” and “RN-BSN Participation Rubric,” located in Class Resources, to understand the expectations for initial discussion question posts and participation posts, respectively.

American Association of Colleges of Nursing Core Competencies for Professional Nursing Education

This assignment aligns to AACN Core Competencies 1.2, 2.1, and 2.8

Disaster Nursing Ethics

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Disaster Nursing Ethics

  • Ethical Considerations:
    • In a manmade disaster, ethical dilemmas often arise related to prioritizing care when resources are scarce. For example, nurses may face difficult decisions about triage and how to allocate limited supplies. This situation raises questions about fairness, as some patients may receive life-saving care while others may not due to resource constraints.
    • Respecting patient autonomy and confidentiality can also become complex in disaster settings, especially when balancing individual privacy with the need for public health safety.
  • Spiritual Considerations:
    • Spirituality often provides comfort and strength during crises. In a disaster scenario, many individuals turn to their faith or spiritual beliefs for resilience. Recognizing this need, healthcare providers should consider providing spiritual support, such as facilitating chaplain visits or respecting patients’ prayer rituals.
    • Spiritual care can promote psychological well-being, helping patients find hope amidst trauma, and should be integrated into holistic disaster care. Disaster Nursing Ethics
  • Cultural Practices:
    • Disasters impact culturally diverse populations, each with unique traditions and values that influence their approach to health and healing. For instance, some cultures have strong family-centered practices, where family members play an…