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Earth Science Standards Assessment
Locate a set of educational standards (e.g., GSE or other) for a subject and grade level. The standards should have standards and benchmarks. By standard, I mean “statements of what should be taught” (Butler & McMunn, 2014, p. 23). By benchmark, I mean explanations of “what students must do to meet the standards; they focus on explicit behavior or particular products” (Butler & McMunn, 2014, p. 23).
1. Briefly explain the context of the standard (e.g., 6th grade Earth Science, Georgia), and provide a hyperlink to any source material you used (if applicable).
2. Select one standard, and one benchmark, and write them down, labeling them appropriately.
3. For the benchmark, I want you to look back into Chapter 1 of the textbook, and I want you to brainstorm a brief idea (1-2 sentence description) for a technology-enhanced assessment in line with each of the “assessment purposes” or types below:
A. Performance Assessment (Butler & McMunn, 2014, p. 5; and 59-62)
B. Product Assessment (Butler & McMunn, 2014, p. 5; and 52-59)
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Earth Science Standards Assessment
- Context of the Standard:
The standard chosen is from the Georgia Standards of Excellence (GSE) for 6th Grade Earth Science. This set of standards provides guidelines on the scientific concepts students need to learn in the field of Earth Science, with benchmarks outlining specific behaviors and skills students should demonstrate to meet each standard. The GSE Earth Science standards are designed to foster scientific inquiry, critical thinking, and problem-solving in the context of Earth processes, energy, and environmental systems.
Link to the GSE Earth Science standards - Standard and Benchmark:
- Standard:
“SC6E1. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to explain the interactions of the Earth’s systems and the transfer of energy within and between them.” - Benchmark:
“b. Develop and use models to describe how Earth’s major systems (geosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, and biosphere) interact and transfer energy through processes like the water cycle, weather, and plate tectonics.”
- Technology-enhanced assessment ideas:
- A. Performance Assessment:
For this benchmark, students could create an interactive digital simulation (using a tool like Tinkercad or a similar modeling software) that demonstrates how Earth’s systems interact and transfer energy. The students could present their simulation, explaining the processes like the water cycle or plate tectonics and how energy is transferred between these systems, which allows them to perform and communicate their understanding through a tech-driven medium. - B. Product Assessment:
Students could develop a multimedia presentation (using tools such as Google Slides or Canva) that illustrates the four major Earth systems and how energy flows through them. As part of the product assessment, they would provide descriptions, images, and diagrams of each system’s role in…