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Florida Drug Treatment Courts
Submit a 1page information brief in which you:
- Briefly describe the history of drug treatment courts.
- Identify your state and describe what types of drug treatment courts are available and how they operate in your state FLORIDA.
- Describe the purpose of diversion to court-ordered treatment for people with substance use disorders and explain how this differs from traditional criminal justice approaches.
- Explain how court-ordered treatment influences social work practice.
Use the Learning Resources to support your Assignment. Make sure to provide APA citations and a reference list.
- Van Wormer, K., & Davis, D. R. (2018). Addiction treatment: A strengths perspective (4th ed.). Cengage Learning.
- Chapter 13, “Public Policy” (pp. 507–531)
- Logan, M. W., & Link, N. W. (2019). Taking stock of drug courts: Do they work? Links to an external site.Victims & Offenders, 14(3), 283–298. https://doi.org/10.1080/15564886.2019.1595249
- McKean, J. (2022). Drug courts.Links to an external site. In Salem Press encyclopedia. Salem Press.
- National Drug Court Resource Center. (n.d.). Maps.Links to an external site. https://ndcrc.org/maps/
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Florida Drug Treatment Courts
History of Drug Treatment Courts
Drug treatment courts (DTCs) were first established in 1989 in Miami-Dade County, Florida, as an alternative approach to addressing substance use-related offenses. They emerged in response to the growing incarceration rates and the recognition that punitive measures alone were ineffective in addressing substance use disorders (SUDs). Since then, drug courts have expanded nationwide, integrating judicial oversight with rehabilitative treatment to reduce recidivism and promote recovery (McKean, 2022).
Drug Treatment Courts in Florida
Florida operates various types of drug courts, including Adult Drug Courts, Juvenile Drug Courts, Family Dependency Drug Courts, and Veterans Treatment Courts (National Drug Court Resource Center, n.d.). These courts provide structured treatment programs combined with judicial monitoring, random drug testing, and coordinated care services. Participants undergo a phased treatment program that typically lasts 12–24 months, with incentives for compliance and sanctions for noncompliance. The Florida drug court system prioritizes rehabilitation over incarceration, aiming to reduce substance-related crime and improve public safety.
Purpose of Diversion to Court-Ordered Treatment
Diversion programs in drug courts focus on rehabilitation rather than punishment for individuals with SUDs. Unlike traditional criminal justice approaches, which emphasize incarceration, drug courts offer supervised treatment, counseling, and case management. This approach acknowledges addiction as a medical condition requiring therapeutic intervention rather than solely a legal issue (Logan & Link, 2019). Successful completion of drug court programs often results in reduced or dismissed charges, facilitating reintegration into society.
Impact on Social Work Practice
Court-ordered treatment significantly influences social work practice, as social workers play a key role in case management, advocacy, and rehabilitation within drug courts. They assess individuals’ needs, connect them with treatment providers, and ensure compliance with court mandates. This interdisciplinary collaboration aligns with social work principles, emphasizing recovery, harm reduction, and holistic care for individuals struggling with substance use (Van Wormer & Davis, 2018).
- Logan, M. W., & Link, N. W. (2019). Taking stock of drug courts: Do they work? Victims & Offenders, 14(3), 283–298. https://doi.org/10.1080/15564886.2019.1595249
- McKean, J. (2022). Drug courts. Salem Press Encyclopedia.
- National Drug Court Resource Center. (n.d.). Maps. https://ndcrc.org/maps/
- Van Wormer, K., & Davis, D. R. (2018). Addiction treatment: A strengths perspective (4th ed.). Cengage Learning.