Microethical and Macroethical Dilemmas

Mindfulness Treatment Schizophrenia

Mindfulness Treatment Schizophrenia

For this RCT critical appraisal assignment, you will complete an appraisal of the following article=:

Here is a link to the article:    A randomized controlled trial of mindfulness in patients with schizophrenia Download A randomized controlled trial of mindfulness in patients with schizophrenia

Respond to this prompt following rubric guidelines as posted:

  1. 1- State your overall appraisal of this article (include/exclude/seek further info) and provide a rationale of approximately 2-3 paragraphs, citing evidence from the article, as to why you think the article is appropriate to include or not in the making of a clinically-based decision.  This will be your response to the final question on the CASP RCT Checklist.
  2. 2-  Complete the CASP RCT Checklist Download CASP RCT Checklist critical appraisal tool and use this information to guide your final thoughts on the usefulness of this article.  Be sure to provide examples and support for your responses.  Please do not simply answer “yes” or “no”.
  3. 3-  Describe at least 1 important point that you learned about the appraisal process as a tool that is used before the findings from a study could be applied to clinical practice.

Mindfulness Treatment Schizophrenia

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Mindfulness Treatment Schizophrenia

To complete your critical appraisal assignment for the randomized controlled trial (RCT) on mindfulness in patients with schizophrenia, you can follow this structure:

1. Overall Appraisal of the Article

Overall Appraisal:

In my appraisal of the article “A randomized controlled trial of mindfulness in patients with schizophrenia,” I find it appropriate to include the article in making a clinically-based decision, provided certain considerations are met. The study appears to have been rigorously designed, using a randomized controlled trial to examine the effectiveness of mindfulness-based interventions in individuals with schizophrenia. The authors provide clear evidence that mindfulness could have beneficial effects on managing symptoms and improving the quality of life in these patients, addressing a significant gap in psychosis treatment. The methodology, which includes random assignment and the use of validated instruments, supports the reliability of the results.


The article uses an appropriate and comprehensive sample of participants who reflect the target population, schizophrenia patients, ensuring external validity. Additionally, the study measures both psychological and clinical outcomes, enhancing the study’s relevance to clinical practice. However, the article’s limitations, such as a lack of long-term follow-up data and the absence of a diverse sample (e.g., age, ethnicity), may affect the generalizability of the findings. Despite these limitations, the findings contribute valuable insights into the potential role of mindfulness interventions in this population. Mindfulness could serve as a complementary therapy for patients with schizophrenia, especially in managing stress and reducing relapse rates, making it