Dissociative Disorders in Psychiatry

Navigating Support Systems

Navigating Support Systems

To prepare:

  • Review the Learning Resources on social support and vicarious resilience. If needed, revisit the video on creating an ecomap.
  • Access and navigate to your selected case in the Case Studies interactive media in the Learning Resources.
  • Create an ecomap representing the social worker’s social connections and support, based on the case study. You may draw your ecomap on paper and scan it or take a picture, or you may use a software program like Microsoft Word.
  • Reflect on the ecomap and consider how it would inform your next steps if the social worker were your client.

Submit a 1-page ecomap for the social worker and a 1-page analysis.  In the analysis:

  • Describe what the ecomap reveals about your client’s social connections and support. In your description, address the extent to which the client, as a social worker, is positioned to develop vicarious resilience.
  • Explain how you would proceed with your client based on the ecomap.

Use the Learning Resources to support your Assignment. Make sure to provide APA citations and a reference list.

Navigating Support Systems

Academic Artisan

To complete your assignment effectively, you can follow this structured approach for creating the ecomap and writing the analysis. Below, I will guide you through the steps to create the ecomap and provide a framework for the analysis.

Step 1: Creating the Ecomap :Navigating Support Systems

  1. Gather Information: Review the selected case study to identify the social worker’s connections, including family, friends, colleagues, and community resources.
  2. Draw the Ecomap:
    • Central Circle: Place the social worker in the center.
    • Connections: Draw lines connecting the social worker to their various support systems (e.g., family, friends, colleagues). Use different line styles or colors to represent the strength and quality of each connection (solid lines for strong support, dashed lines for weak support).
    • Community Resources: Include organizations or community resources the social worker is connected to, indicating how they support or interact with them.
  3. Tools for Ecomap:
    • You can draw it by hand and scan or photograph it, or use digital tools like Microsoft Word or PowerPoint to create it neatly.

Step 2: Analyzing the Ecomap: Navigating Support Systems

Once you have created the ecomap, use the following framework for your analysis…